Ṭaharah (الطحارة) is a general title which signifies the ritual purification that a Muslim should resume after certain acts or states of impurity that may occur daily for both genders, such as the discharge of urine, evacuation, and breaking wind, or take place in specific times such as women’s menses and postpartum bleeding.
Islam pays due attention to human purity and cleanliness insomuch that purity is made a condition for many acts of worship as a prerequisite for validity. Allah ﷻ ama coloro che si mantengono costantemente puri.
Furthermore, Allah ﷻ loves those who constantly keep themselves pure. Allah ﷻ says, “Surely, Allah loves those who repent and loves those who purify themselves” [Qur’an, 2:222]. Cleanliness and purity are necessary traits of a true Muslim. This civil aspect of Muslim life is very clear in the literature of fiqh i.e. Islamic Jurisprudence, whose books always begin with chapters on purity and its virtue and types.
A short visit to this rich literature makes it clear that a Muslim is required to keep himself/herself pure on all hours of life. Simply, full purification of the entire body is a condition for maintaining ritual purity after monthly periods, postpartum bleeding, sexual intercourse, and wet dreams.
It is also recommended before going to Friday prayers, Feast Prayers, and Iḥram in ḥajj. Similarly, the ablution in which the apparent organs i.e. hands, arms, face, head, and feet, are washed is required for the five daily prayers. It is a great lesson for Muslims to do the same in their houses, streets, companies, gardens, and public places such as schools, hospitals, and other facilities.
Likewise, a Muslim should keep his/her mind pure from dirty thoughts and his/her tongue pure from indecent expressions. It is an invitation to each Muslim to announce his faith through his appearance, speech, clothes, behaviors, and all details of his life. In summary, purity is a way of Muslim life and shall be reflected in all aspects of Muslim life.
Abu Malik Al-Harith Ibn Asim al-Ashʻari [(رضي الله عنه) [may Allah be pleased with him] narrated that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ [Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him] said “Ritual purity is half of faith.”
May Allah ﷻ purify our souls and body!